About Us

The Westchester Review was founded in 2007 as a forum for literary talent in Westchester County, New York. While we started as an annual print edition, we transitioned in 2020 to publishing quarterly issues online only. Our readership has increased exponentially, we now have international visibility, and we have expanded our catchment area to include writers and poets wherever they reside. Our primary mission continues to be to find and publish work whose language, humanity, and story-lines captivate and move us. We welcome submissions from a diverse range of writers, including voices and perspectives that have historically been underrepresented in the literary sphere. While Westchester authors are acknowledged in each issue, a connection to Westchester is not required in order to submit and will not affect submissions status.

Everything we’ve published online remains on our website and can be found in either or current or archived issues. Many of the works include audio clips of the writer reading their work.

We nominate poems, stories and creative nonfiction each year for Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize. Some of our nominees have been named Finalists for these prizes.



Amy Ralston Seife
Publisher, Editor-in-Chief, Prose Editor
Amy Ralston Seife is a poet and short story writer whose work has been nominated for the Best of the Net Anthology and Pushcart Prizes, and received first prize and honorable mentions in the Pen & Brush Prose Contest, Inkwell Competition, and Zoetrope’s All-Story Fiction Contest. She holds an MA in English Literature from Yale, an MFA in fiction from Sarah Lawrence, and an MBA from Columbia University. She teaches creative writing in New York and Connecticut.

Judith Naomi Fish
Senior Prose Editor
Judith Naomi Fish, a founding editor of The Westchester Review, is a writer and journalist. Her adult fiction, children’s stories, personal essays, and feature articles have appeared in The New York Times, the Gannett chain, The Jewish Week, Redbook, Midstream, and many other national and regional publications.

Erin L. Seifstad
Prose Editor
Erin L. Seifstad received a BA in English and Political Science from the University of Pennsylvania and a law degree from Georgetown University Law Center. She grew up in Istanbul and speaks fluent Turkish. She is currently working on a fantasy novel for young adult readers.

Anne Graue
Poetry Editor
Anne Graue is the author of Full and Plum-Colored Velvet (Woodley Press, 2020) and Fig Tree in Winter (Dancing Girl Press, 2017). She has poetry in SWWIM Every Day, Rivet Journal, Mom Egg Review, Into the Void, and in numerous print anthologies, including The Book of Donuts (Terrapin Books, 2017) and Coffee Poems (World Enough Writers, 2019). Her reviews of poetry collections have been published in Glass: A Journal of Poetry, The Rupture, Whale Road Review, Green Mountains Review, and The Rumpus.

Amy Holman
Poetry Editor
Amy Holman is a Pushcart Prize-nominated poet and prose writer, literary consultant, and artist. She is the author of the collection Wrens Fly Through This Opened Window and four chapbooks, including the prizewinning Wait for Me, I’m Gone. She teaches frequently at the Hudson Valley Writers Center.

Tony Howarth
Drama Editor
Tony Howarth, a playwright, director, and former journalist, retired in 1991 after twenty-eight years as a teacher of English and theatre at Woodlands High School in Westchester County, New York. He began writing poetry in 2009 after a visit to William Wordsworth’s Dove Cottage, in England’s Lake District. Much of his poetry focuses on the pleasures and perplexities of growing old.

Krista Madsen
Digital Media Manager

Katherine Harper
Copy Editor

Nicola Atherstone
Jacqueline Goldstein
Elizabeth Lash
Susan Lemere

Meghan Orsino
Prose Readers

Michael Quattrone
Junious “Jay” Ward
Poetry Readers

Jacquelyn Strycker
Cover Artist

JoAnn Duncan Terdiman

Stephanie Kaplan Cohen
Founding Poetry Editor

Louise Albert (1928-2015)
Founding Editor-in-Chief